How to perform Hajj (Step by step Hajj)

In this article you will get to know that how to perform hajj this year or how you can perform hajj. One of Islam's five pillars, doing the hajj is a religious obligation for every Muslim who is competent. A trip known as the Hajj is made to Makkah during the last month of the Islamic year, Dhul Hijjah. The most popular method of conducting Hajj is known as Hajj Tamattu, which entails performing Umrah first and then Hajj.

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Here is step by step guide that how to perform Hajj.

Preparation and Intention for Umrah before hajj:

Make up your mind (niyah) in your heart to undertake the Hajj only for Allah's benefit before travelling to Makkah. You should also enter the state of Ihram, which entails donning two white pieces of clothes for males and modest attire for women, as well as adhering to a number of regulations like not wearing perfume, not getting your hair or nails trimmed, not going on the hunt, etc.

Tawaf of Umrah:

When you go to Makkah, you should do Tawaf, which is making seven anticlockwise circles around the Kaaba, beginning and ending at the Black Stone. While doing Tawaf, you should say prayers and supplications.

Sa'i of Umrah:

After Tawaf, you should conduct Sa'i, which entails traversing the Safa and Marwah hills seven times in remembrance of Hajar (the Prophet Ibrahim's wife), who looked for water for her son Ismail. While doing Sa'i, you should utter prayers and supplications.

Clip/Shave Hair after Umrah:

To signify the conclusion of Umrah, you should clip or shave your hair (for males) or cut a little portion of your hair (for women) after Sa'i. Additionally, it signals the end of Ihram limitations prior to Dhul Hijjah 8th.

Resting and Praying before Hajj:

You should take a break and pray in Makkah after performing Umrah till the eighth of Dhul Hijjah. Making dua, asking for pardon, performing good actions, and making repentance are additional ways to get ready for Hajj.

Enter state of Ihram for Hajj:

You should declare your desire to undertake the Hajj and don Ihram attire on the eighth of Dhul Hijjah to re-enter the state of Ihram. As a sign of your obedience to Allah, you must also say the Talbiyah: "Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk" (Here I am, O Allah, here I am).

Arrive at Mina for Hajj:

You should depart Makkah the same day and travel to Mina, a valley close to Makkah, where you will pitch your tent for the night. There, you should remember Allah and offer the five daily prayers.

Day of Arafah Hajj:

You should leave Mina after Fajr prayer on the ninth of Dhul Hijjah and travel to Arafah, a plain close to Makkah, where Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave his last sermon. You should spend the entire day there in meditation, petition, repentance, and prayer. The most significant day of the Hajj is today, and standing at Arafah is a fundamental component (Fardh) of the Hajj.

Muzdalifah Hajj:

You should leave Arafah after dusk and travel to Muzdalifah, which is situated between Arafah and Mina, where you can spend the night outside. You should do the Maghrib and Isha prayers there and gather stones for the devil-stoning rite the next day.

The Rami of Hajj:

After the Fajr prayer on the tenth of Dhul Hijjah, you should leave Muzdalifah and travel to Mina to carry out the first Rami, which involves tossing seven pebbles at the biggest pillar (Jamrah), which symbolises Satan. This represents turning away from Satan's deceptions and obeying Allah's instructions.

Sacrifice of an Animal for Hajj:

As a show of appreciation and submission to Allah, you should sacrifice an animal (such as a sheep or a goat) after Ramadan. For those undertaking the Hajj Tamattu or Hajj Qiran, this is a requirement. The poor and needy should get the flesh from the slaughtered animal.

Shave Head for Hajj:

To signify the conclusion of the majority of the Hajj ceremonies, you should shave your head (for males) or clip a small portion of your hair (for women) after offering an animal. This also signals the end of several Ihram prohibitions, such as refraining from shaving or getting your nails or hair clipped.

Tawaf Al-Ifadah for Hajj:

You should return to Makkah after shaving your head to perform Tawaf Al-Ifadah, also known as Tawaf Al-Ziyarah, which is an additional seven-time circumambulation of the Kaaba. This is a fundamental component of the Hajj.
Here is complete video guide to learn how to perform hajj.

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