Scope of Sociology - Relationship of Sociology With Other Field

There is no opinion on the scope of sociology at all. "Since sociology is such an elastic science, it is difficult to determine just where its limits begin and end, where sociology becomes social psychology and where social psychology becomes sociology, or where economic theory becomes sociological doctrine or biological theory becomes sociological theory, something that is impossible to decide," writes V. F. Calberton.

Sociology examines anything and anything under the sun. This view on the scope of sociology is rather too vague. Sociology, in fact, has a limited field of investigation and addresses those issues that are not addressed by other social sciences.
 Scope of Sociology

Why studying Sociology is important?

Sociology examines anything and anything under the sun. This view on the scope of sociology is rather too vague. Sociology, in fact, has a limited field of investigation and addresses those issues that are not addressed by other social sciences.

Sociology is the study of human interactions and interrelationships, as well as their circumstances and consequences, in the widest sense. Accordingly, sociology studies the whole of man's life in society, including all of the activities that keep men alive in the struggle for survival, the systems of knowledge and belief, the rules and regulations that govern their interactions with one another, as members of society during their activities. There are two schools of thoughts:

  1. Specialistic or Formalistic School
  2. Synthetic School

Specialistic or Formalistic School

Sociology, according to a group of sociologists lead by George Simmel, is a unique and autonomous science. These sociologists ought to keep sociology's scope separate from that of other social sciences. 'Forms of social relationships' should be addressed, according to formalistic school of sociology.

According to another well-known sociologist Vierkandt, sociology is a distinct area of science concerned with the mental or psychic links at their most extreme in society that bind men together. Sociology is considered as a definite field also by Max Weber. According to him, the purpose of sociology is to understand or comprehend social behavior. But the whole field of human relations is not covered by social behavior. Indeed, not all interactions between people are social. According to him, the assessment and classification of forms of social interactions is concerned with sociology.

So sociology examines one particular feature of social interactions, i.e. their structures in their abstract context, according to the formalistic school, and not in any concrete case. A distinction between the types of social relations and a bottle is drawn. There could be a container of either plastic or some other substance. It can contain water, milk etc., but the container content does not affect the shape of the bottle. Similarly, with the shift in the content of social interactions, the types of social relationships do not change, such as the study of rivalry. If we analyze it in political or economic matters, a kind of social interaction would not make a difference.

Sociology and Geometry were contrasted. Sociological studies on social forms of interactions are closely related as are the geometry studies on triangular, rectangular, square and circular physical matters, etc. The link between sociology and other social sciences is comparable to that between geometry and other scientific knowledge. The formalist approach limited sociology to an abstract study of social interactions.

Criticism on Formalistic school

The following reasons against the opinion of the formalist school have been developed:

It has reduced the scope of sociology

The abstract forms of sociology were simplified by the formalistic school. Sociology should look at the real substance of social life in addition to studying general patterns of social interactions.

It is difficult to analyze abstract types isolated from personal interactions

For example, the study of competition would be of little use unless it was used in a practical way in economics or arts and sciences. He believes that sociology's scope should not be limited to the study of gendered social relationship, rather it should be expanded to include the study of these relationships as embodied in special sociologies such as Sociology of Religion, Art, Law, and Knowledge, among others, in various cultural spheres. The analogy with Geometry is mistaken and while the forms of physical things are definite in Geometry, the forms of social relations are not definite in Sociology.

Sociology itself does not examine social interactions

The only research that examines social relationships is not sociology. Social partnerships are now being analyzed in political science, sociology and international law.

The definition of pure sociology is impossible

Pure sociology has been conceived by the formalistic school, but so far none of the sociologists have been able to construct a pure sociology. As a matter of fact, in isolation from other natural sciences, no social science can be observed.

Synthetic School

Sociology, according to the Synthetic School, is a combination of social sciences and general sciences. This view of sociology, most shown by Durkheim, Hobbes and Sorokin, preserves the second category of sociologists.

Sociology is a discipline of the humanities and its application covers all social sciences. This school's point is that every aspect of social life is connected; thus, the study of one form of social life is not enough to understand the whole truth. Social life as a whole should be regularly analyzed by sociology for this purpose. As it studies social interactions, the scope of sociology varies from any of the social sciences, but a study of this area requires a study of all social sciences. In analyzing some social phenomena, all the components must be contemplated.

Sociology should research social facts, that is, behaviors linked to and maintained by social classes, according to Durkheim. The goal should be to discover more general laws based on laws in the relevant fields of special sciences. He states that sociology consists of three major areas of research: social anatomy, social physiology, and general sociology.

Social Physiology

It contains all topics that are studied in basic social sciences, such as economics, language, morality, law, etc. The sociology of nature, the sociology of morality, the sociology of economic life, and the sociology of language are respectively analyzed in religion, economics, morals and language. Many of them are branches of sociology or special sociology.

Social Morphologies

This covers all subjects that are essentially spatial, such as density, population, scale, distribution, etc. This often includes the study of, and definition of, the social system or a description of the major types of social classes or organizations.

General Sociology

General sociology involves the study of group dynamics and its impact on human populations and individuals. As a social science, the discipline analyzes the patterns of behavior in all types of social relationships. This can be considered the philosophical aspect of sociology. It is intended to formulate general social principles.

Significance of Sociology

Some critics, such as Pareto, say that sociology is irrelevant because it ignores life's facts and focuses solely on notions that have little use in social life and is devoid of empirical discoveries. However, this is not an accurate assessment of sociology's importance. An examination of sociology's fundamental concepts will reveal the discipline's immense significance.

As a subject to study

Because of its relevance, sociology is becoming increasingly popular as a teaching subject. It is given a prominent position in university and school curricula. It frequently develops late in Teachers' Training Schools because the instructor wants to know not just his topic and his pupils as individuals, but also the communal life in which he fits them. Through the dissemination of knowledge about society, socialized thought will evolve, socialized actions will expand, contemporary planning will be promoted, and a new social structure will emerge.

A Scientific Study of Culture

The study of culture was carried out in an unscientific way prior to the advent of Sociology, before this society was never the central focus of any science. The genuinely empirical study of culture was possible by the study of Sociology.

The Organization and Planning of Society

With a plethora of intricacies, culture is a dynamic phenomenon. Without practicing sociology, it is nearly difficult to grasp it and to overcome the different problems. It is rightly said that without any understanding of its mechanism and design, we will not comprehend and mend society much like no one, in his view, can attempt to repair a car without first learning about its mechanism and how the various components interact with one another.

Sociology has the same relation, as sociologists claim, to the solution of social problems. Medicine, mathematics, and engineering physics are linked to biology and bacteriology. Without research in theoretical and experimental sciences, modern treatment of illnesses or those of bridge-building would be difficult.

To Address Social Problems

The planet today faces from numerous issues that can only be addressed by the scientific study of civilization. It is clear that social evils do not only exist and that everything has a proper cause. Sociology is concerned with researching social issues by scientific research techniques and seeking a solution to them. Eventually, empirical research into social bonds will give a system of information and values that will enable us to monitor and improve social dynamics.

To Revisit Man’s Innate Worth and Dignity

Sociology has had a significant impact on how we think about people. In a big specialized society, we are likewise limited in the quantity of the entire industry and culture that we can individually witness.

To understand various segments of society

The entire perspective on various types of crime has altered as a result of sociological study. Criminals are no longer regarded as depraved beings. On the contrary, they are treated as human beings with mental impairments, and attempts are made to help them reintegrate into society as productive members.

To Understand World`s Problems

The contributions made by physical sciences have taken the world's nations closer to each other. Yet the society has been left behind in the social realm by the transformative advancement of technology. What would be the use of these technical advancements and science innovations if men continue to be blood starved for each other is the million dollar challenge facing the world today. The consequences of modern war are diverse and profound on culture. A modern war's social costs are many and impressive.

To Study the Growth of Citizens

The main social institutions, as well as the individual's connection to each one, are examined scientifically through sociology. Home and families, religion and mosques, government and state, employment and business, school and education, culture and organization are the main institutions in which society operates.

The outcome of studying Sociology

Sociology has contributed to the enrichment of human society. In light of scientific knowledge and investigation, it has stripped too much cobwebs from our brains and social processes are now known.

"Most of us harbor the comfortable delusion that our way of doing things is the only sensible, if not only possible one," according to Lowie. Sociology has provided one with training to approach questions about ourselves, one's faith, traditions, values and institutions in a reasonable way. It has also taught how objective, critical and dispassionate matters are.

The Scope of Sociology as a field of study

The scope of sociology as a field of study has been categorized into two:

  1. Sociology in the Field of Knowledge
  2. Sociology in the Field of Profession

Sociology in the Field of Knowledge

The research includes sociologists in this category in order to become conscious of different current social issues and then, on the basis of their awareness, sociologists learn about solving the problems. It is a theoretical analysis of different facets of culture that are social. It discusses culture and the nature of man living in it. If it provides a researcher with empirical information to become acquainted with the changing situation. For this reason, research methods and community building are taught to learners of this subject. They seek information and explain the troublesome situation on the screen on the basis of their comprehension and want solutions and remedies for its eradication. And the person learns about culture and what is going on with it in the area of knowledge. A man is helpful in becoming conscious of his position, rank and society as well. It is the study of human beings' minds being refined and expanded. It provides awareness of the backwardness of some of a society's economic structures and strategies for mutual welfare.

Sociology in the Field of Profession

The following categories exist in the field of professional sociology, in which the discipline is very important.


In different areas of teaching, the person who has the knowledge becomes aware of the social situation. They educated the students and passed on knowledge of cultural heritage to them. Teachers prepare their students for the well-being of the community and employ them for social work in various sectors. Sociology subjects and test books are gaining popularity day by day, helping students as well as individuals and the general public to gain more and more knowledge.


One more perspective is that sociologists are engaged with local area examination to take care of the issues individuals face. They are experts in the overarching society to eliminate social issues.


By engaging as an administrator in both governmental and private sectors, sociologists can fulfill the duty of administrator. They lead and assist people in raising communal and social awareness among others. In Pakistan, as administrators, sociologists are employed in the following agencies:

  • Social welfare and rural development
  • Ministry of local government
  • Pakistan academy for rural development
  • Population census commission

Except for all the above research by national agencies, international donor agencies such as the USAID, UNICF, UNHCR, WHO, UNDP, etc.

It is obvious from the discussion above that the reach of sociology is quite broad. In fact, the opposing views of sociology are not contrary to one another. Just as specialized studies of specific parts of social life are necessary, the general conditions of social life must also be studied. It is sociology whose purpose is to research specific sections of social life and the general circumstances of it.

The reality is that within the framework of sociology, any topic studied using the sociological approach is included. Defining the scope of sociology is neither realistic nor necessary because, as Sprott notes, "this would be a brave attempt to confine an enormous mass of slippery material into a relatively simple system of pigeon holes.

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Key words: Sociology, Introduction to sociology, Book of sociology, Culture, Institutions, Organizations, Types of Sociology, What is Sociology, Society, Human Behaviors, PDF Book Sociology, Scope of Sociology, Types of Sociology, Self.

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